Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Order of Consular Emissaries Welcomes Miss Ecuador

From left to right, the Honorary Vice Consul of Guatemala, the Hon. Dr. Aldo A. Aguirre; the president of the Order of Consular Emissaries, Mr. Jonathan Warren; the United States representative to the World Federation of Consuls, the Hon. Paulina Biggs Sparkuhl; Miss Ecuador, Ms. Sandra Vinces Pinargote; Consular Emissaries Mr. David Graham and Mr. David Williams.

The Order of Consular Emissaries welcomed Miss Ecuador, Sandra Vinces Pinargote, at a private reception at their headquarters at the Parisian Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada.
"Thank you for coming to the beautiful Parisian Palace to honor my country of Ecuador. I am grateful to Mr. Nico Santucci for opening the doors of his home to welcome all of us tonight, and to the Order of Consular Emissaries for hosting this warm reception. I've had the priviledge of representing Ecuador in many different countries, and I can assure you that I've never received such a warm welcome from so many Ecuadorians as I have this evening here in Las Vegas, Nevada. You are true ambassadors of our culture, by helping to keep our customs alive from generation to generation, through maintaining our language and our traditions. I am grateful to you for this warm reception and hope to come back soon to visit you again," concluded Miss Ecuador.
Although the plight of Ecuador gains little attention in the mainstream media here, Ecuadoreans who number about 260,000 in the United States and some 800 in Southern Nevada, are very much in touch with their families and loved ones left behind their country.
"It is a true honor to welcome Miss Ecuador to Nevada," said Eugenia Pesantez, a local Ecuadorian community leader. "Her presence sheds light on our community here in Las Vegas, and not only brings us together, but I trust will be the needed impetus to organize our community," concluded Pesantez.
The president of the Order of Consular Emissaries, Mr. Jonathan Warren, said, "We are delighted to welcome Miss Ecuador and the local Ecuadorian community to our headquarters at the Parisian Palace, and we look forward to future opportunities for international trade between our countries."

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